cornrows natural hair

Here Is How To Use Cornrows for Natural Hair Growth

We all have been guilty to look for the latest natural hair growth hacks. There are countless products, diets, and tips promising rapid hair growth. To grow long hair, your hair’s health should always remain your focus by creating an effective routine. Cornrows is our favorite hairstyle because not only it is stunning and versatile, but it also promotes an environment perfect for natural hair growth. Here is our guide that will ensure you style your cornrows for natural hair growth.

Cornrows for Natural Hair Growth

This hairstyle isn’t just a beautiful braiding hairstyle but also an effective method to protect and grow your hair. So, how does it work? Cornrows promote hair growth by offering a protective environment, hiding away the hair from damage due to weather conditions and styling manipulation. It allows you to leave your hands out of your hair and not cause damage by using heat or hair tools that could lead to breakage.

Why are cornrows good for your hair?

Cornrows have many benefits on natural hair. This hairstyle is a favorite amongst many naturals and for very good reasons:

They minimize hair breakage

Excessive manipulation as in harsh detangling, and installing damaging hairstyles are leading causes of hair damage, often leading to breakage. Cornrows can help you from excessively manipulating and damaging your hair for a season. This protective hairstyle requires minimal manipulation once installed, allowing your hair to rest, recover, and grow. Rest and growth! How could you not love that?

They protect your hair against weather conditions

Cornrows for natural hair growth

Environmental elements like UV rays, wind, pollution, and harsh weather conditions can really do a number on your hair. However, if you wear cornrows, your hair is tightly braided and secured against damaging weather conditions. When wearing your hair out, your ends, which is the most fragile part of your hair strands, are exposed to weather conditions that could lead to breakage. The protective barrier formed by cornrows ensures that your hair remains protected and, thereby promoting growth.

They help with moisture retention

Healthy hair is moisturized hair. Properly moisturizing your hair as part of your hair care routine is essential for healthy hair. Make sure to create a tailored wash day routine and to choose the right leave in conditioner. Moisture is crucial as dry hair is more prone to breakage, which can slow down your hair growth. Cornrows are a great support for natural hair growth as they will help sealing in the moisture, preventing your hair from becoming dry and brittle.

How to Leverage Cornrows for Natural Hair Growth

While cornrows are excellent for promoting natural hair growth, your hair’s growth and length retention will heavily rely on how you install and maintain your cornrows. Here’s a few tips to wear cornrows for optimal hair growth:

1. Speak Up Sis! Cornrows should not feel too tight

We all done it at least once. At the hair salon, with our scalp burning not saying one word. Although cornrows should be securely braided, ensure they’re not overly tight. Super-tight cornrows may look neat and last longer, but they can lead to traction alopecia, caused by excessive tension on your hair follicles. Pain does not equal gain in that equation. Having a painful scalp is not normal and should be avoided at all costs. Therefore, make sure your cornrows are comfortably snug but not causing any pain or discomfort.

2. The Moisture Mantra: I will hydrate my hair when it feels dry

Despite the protective nature of cornrows, your hair will still need moisture for the time you keep the hairstyle in. You should install your cornrows right after your wash day routine to ensure that you are protecting hair that is thoroughly cleansed, moisturized and detangled. Styling your hair after wash day will ensure that your hair will be moisturized at least for the first week. Use your favorite leave in conditioner for an effective moisture session.

There are target areas you should moisturize to protect the health of your hair:

  • Your edges: Edges are the ones of the most delicate part of your hair. If you experience loss in that area, try to massage it daily to help nurturing the damaged hair follicles.
  • Your ends: The most exposed to possible breakage. Seal your ends with oil when moisturizing your hair to avoid experiencing breakage due to dry hair.

Here is a list of products you can use to moisturize your hair effectively:

The frequency that you will need to moisturize your cornrows depends on your hair porosity. Everybody has different needs so it’s not effective to set a mandatory schedule to moisturize your hair. Once a week should be needed for most people. Don’t hesitate to feel your hair and check to see if it’s dehydrated!

3. Keep it simple, don’t keep your cornrows too long if you want hair growth

The low maintenance of cornrows can tempt you to keep them in for extended periods. Be reasonable and take your cornrows out! Keeping them for too long could be damaging. It is advisable to redo your cornrows every six to eight weeks, giving your hair and scalp a break and space to breathe in between.

4. Don’t skip on wash day

Wash Day is vital for healthy hair growth. Choose a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo to cleanse your scalp and hair. A gentle cleansing shampoo will help you get rid of the oils and product build-up on your hair and scalp. On the other hand, over-washing can strip your hair of its natural oils, so make sure to not use harsh products. Following the same routine on wash day by focusing on cleansing and moisturizing will ensure that you are nurturing your cornrows for natural hair growth.

5. Be gentle when you take your cornrows down

When it’s time to undo your cornrows, be patient and careful to avoid unnecessary breakage. Apply a leave-in conditioner on your cornrows if your hair feels dry so the take down is smoother. Use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers and take time to slowly detangle your hair if you come across knots on your way up.

cornrows natural hair

Cornrows are very effective to stimulate natural hair growth. They can help you to protect your hair and allow you to wear wigs in the meantime if you get bored by the look. If you adopt the right practices, you can nurture your hair back to health and reach your hair growth goals. Start your journey to healthier, longer hair with cornrows and enjoy the rest that comes with minimal styling and low manipulation!